Here they are.
Not all of them of course.
First of all, I'm not posting my best pics, because I don't want anybody to steal them. Secondly I'm not posting pics showing the faces of people who haven't spesificly said I can do just that.
My wireless internet still isn't working, so right now I'm sitting on my hallway flor. Not very comfy, so it might just be a few pics, we'll see :)
Click the images to see large versions.

Me on the Bonaire ariport. That really small, pink building is the airport. Very, er, cute.

Lima coastline. In Lima the sun never shines and it doesn't rain. Ever.

From "la Brisas del Titicaca". The girls wore really short skirts...

..but the boys had huge outfits.

The viking-girls, at the beach, somewhere close to Lima. Karin to the left, me to the right.

Me in the water. The Peruans thought I was mad, they were frezing...

Andinian mountains. Looks just like Norwegian mountains. Really. I like them anyway.

Me. Machu Pichu.

A tree and a lama in Machu Pichu.

Machu Pichu is falling apart. Mostly because of tourism.

A real, wild chinchilla (I think). Just for you

Signes legs after WALKING up to Machu Pichu. Auch.

And finally, the "small town" Cusco. Yeah. Right. I'm from Norway, do wanna see a real small town?
That's all for now, but I will be back with more. After all, this was only (less than) half of my trip...